Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It’s hard to comprehend the full extent of our own creative power ... and see how we’re continually shaping our life-results. This is not to say we have perfect control of all outcomes. Much depends on our level of consciousness and having good luck ... and by improving the quality of our consciousness, we can help ourselves create good luck.

Looking back now, I clearly see how a narrow application of creativity limits success. As a young man I was very focused on being a good artist. I kept to myself and put all my energy into developing my craft. I knew that to be successful as an artist it was important to develop a creative mindset. But I had little understanding of how necessary it also was for creating good relations with others, and thereby improving my ‘luck’.

It is said that there are only six degrees of separation ... we’re all only six acquaintances away from knowing anyone in the world. This suggests the enormous range of possibilities we all have for making the social, business, and love connections needed for having a completely successful and fulfilling life. However, these vast possibilities exist only to the extent that we’re able to trigger in others good feelings about ourselves and develop constructive relationships. In such relationships, people want to help and give to one another.

Creating constructive relationships are an essential part of having good fortune -- doors often open or close by a turn in a person’s heart. So, good luck -- a benefit that comes gratuitously -- often depends on the creative quality of our mindset; i.e., how positive and open we are to exploring constructive possibilities with all that we meet.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Thursday, February 23, 2012


When self-centered, we focus primarily on suiting ourselves. We selectively steer toward what we're sure we'll like and away from other things. This has obvious benefits, but it can also reduce our creative possibilities. For it means we tend to run a narrow course ruled by preset inclinations and habits and miss many opportunities and possibilities that could greatly benefit us.

When we avoid new experiences because we might not like them, when we shut out certain people, sights and information because we don't see an immediate benefit, when we try changing things just because they challenge what we're used to, we may be keeping ourselves from the very things needed to improve life and expand creativity.

The main nemesis is making instant negative judgments. By quickly sizing-up people, situations and things and deciding to reject them, we close doors. But when we're more open, curious and genuinely interested, we get beyond initial surface impressions and make life-enhancing discoveries.

To help myself not reject too quickly, I often remind myself not to judge. I find this not only helps me take in better and make discoveries, it also helps me stay centered and find my way to better outcomes.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


It’s a common experience that, in spite of all the knowledge, skill and effort we may bring to bear, things often don’t turn out well. Does this mean we need to hope for good luck to get great results? I think not. I think there’s something else that serves us better than that.

Over the years I’ve became aware of a ‘special something’ that makes an incredible difference. Actually, when I operate in terms of this special something, I usually get even better results than I’d hoped for. So, what’s this special something? Essentially, it’s an energy shift ... to a higher level of being oneself.

At this level our spiritual energy ‘lights us up,’ ‘tunes us in’ and leads the way. We’re in a state of grace ... a creative bliss where joyful inspirations and insights flow almost continually. When I’m in this higher creative state I feel more fully and deeply alive ... and I feel blessed, for it’s here that I get my most soul-fulfilling results. That’s why I call this level ‘Being At Soul’ or ‘Living In Our Divine Zone.’

Some people may think that this level of experience is only for a lucky few. I believe we all have this capacity and that it’s mainly a matter of learning. Just as we learned to read books and follow their guidance, we can learn to listen to a higher voice within and follow its guidance. Then all of our knowledge, skill and effort get utilized optimally ... producing Divine Results.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It's easy to become fixated on, and envious of, social leaders, movie stars, athletes and other celebrities. They live glamorous lives that seem better than ours.

Whether we admit it or not, such people have a strong impact on us. Consciously or unconsciously, they become our idols and role models - our vision of who we should strive to be. But to idolize or envy another is to deny one's own validity, uniqueness and value ... to devalue one’s soul.

Imagine if a blue jay felt inferior and began trying to roar like a lion or throw its weight around like an elephant. If it kept trying to deny what it actually was and be something it was not, would we then see it as a better blue jay and like it more? I think not. We might think, "Poor blue jay, what got you so messed up ... how can I convince you to accept, appreciate and be your authentic wonderful self?"

The same is true for many of us humans. If we just let all the erroneous stuff fall away and return to our authentic selves, how much more simple and wonderful life could be!

Sometimes I think this is our greatest challenge.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.


Thursday, February 2, 2012


For the average person, spiritual enlightenment may seem impractical and out of reach. But this is not so. Enlightenment at this point in history is not only practical and feasible for millions of us to achieve, it’s also essential for human survival. During this century, we may each participate in forging a new age of spiritual enlightenment. But first we must understand what spiritual enlightenment actually is.

Simply put, enlightenment is a higher level of self-realization. As a toddler, a moment comes when we become self-aware ... and a moment comes later in human growth when we realize we’re unique persons. So a time can come even later on when we realize that we’re also much more ... that we have a spiritual essence ... a divinely creative self.

However, this later development requires a special breakthrough ... a breakthrough that doesn’t come if we remain completely identified with our physical body and a material world. First, we must suspect that there’s more to ourselves and life than the obvious, and then we must have the interest and courage to look deeper ... to look within.

This is the purpose of learning spiritual techniques; they eventually allow us to experience our deeper reality ... to know our divine level of being, not merely as an idea or an ideal, but as an actuality.

At this level of self-realization, we see that we are all one and our capacity to be creative and loving expands. And we begin to fulfill our human destiny by creating the life and world we are divinely meant to have.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.