Saturday, March 8, 2014


Have you ever heard that God is who you really are?

For many this may seem ridiculous and taken as a sign of foolishness, grandiosity or megalomania. Yet we may all have experienced our Godly self many times and in many ways. But due to misconceptions about God and ourselves, we may have misinterpreted these experiences.

If we believe God is a super being outside ourselves, and that we’re weak and sinful creatures separate from God, and need to fear, obey and worship Him, we keep from knowing God and ourselves as one. However, if we can see God as a primary universal creative force manifesting itself in an infinite number of ways -- including as us -- then we may recognize that, just as an ocean drop is always one with the ocean, we’re always one with God; God is all there is … and we’re all God.

Not all existences have sufficient consciousness to recognize this or the ability to deliberately choose to express their divine nature. However, upon spiritual awakening, all humans do. And until we become spiritually awakened we remain ego-driven and sleepwalk through life, dreaming of a greater life in the future. But this greater life doesn't come until we become spiritually awakened. Then it occurs immediately -- HERE and NOW.

During these moments, we transcend our usual ordinary selves and feel a sense of timelessness and inexhaustible energy; we become profoundly inspired … or deeply peaceful … or extremely patient … or magnificently courageous … or incredibly skillful … or greatly compassionate … or unusually playful … or totally accepting … or extremely kind … or miraculously healing … or ecstatically blissful … or wisely insightful … or unexpectedly creative … or hugely thankful … or extremely giving … or eagerly helpful … or truly forgiving … or unconditionally loving … or exquisitely joyful.

For however long or short we may experience it, when spiritually awakened we may express our Godly nature. So keep this in mind: your Godly self is always close at hand. Just divinely attune within and let your Godly self spring forth.

Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.